In this way, the quality of guidance and teaching in higher education can be strengthened


Research shows that colleagues, who use each other actively in the assessment and development of their own practice, contribute to improving the learning environment at the institution. Collegial guidance and mutual peer evaluation are assumed to play an increasingly important role in quality work at universities and colleges.

Collaboration and experience sharing

Say you are working to mentor and teach students and doctoral candidates at a university or college. Some teaching hours are completely "spot on", while others you do not get to vote. You get a new student or candidate for supervision, but quickly notice that this supervision relationship can be difficult. What are you doing?

A widely used approach to addressing these types of issues is peer mentoring.

Peer guidance is in simple words about colleagues seeking solutions and giving each other joint support through safe and open-minded discussion between colleagues. Research shows that environments that really succeed in creating good teaching and learning environments are those environments with strong traditions for collaboration and experience sharing.

Peer guidance and peer collaboration are considered an important tool in quality work at universities and colleges. From a political point of view, it is even claimed that collegial guidance and mutual peer evaluation will be the very hub of future quality work in higher education.

In other words, there are clear signals that point in the direction of increased colleague collaboration in higher education.

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