Environmental Education with Systems thinking and the World Climate Game Project begins


The first program that transforms climate change and environmental issues into education with the system thinking method is implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Turkey Acceleration Laboratory, and the implementation partnership of the System Thinking Association, Darussafaka Educational Institutions and Bogazici University.

From Bogazici University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Dr. Instructor With the project whose member Gaye Defne Ceyhan MacLellan is involved, the 10-week "Environmental Education and Climate Game Project with System Thinking" begins for middle school students. The program, which was implemented in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Turkey Acceleration Laboratory, Systems Thinking Association and Darussafaka Educational Institutions, aims to enable 8th grade students to produce creative solutions with a systems thinking approach by having a good command of climate concepts.

According to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was shared with the public last month, nearly 50 countries, including the Maldives, face the threat of being wiped off the map due to rising sea levels, unless urgent action is taken. The aim of the "Environmental Education with System Thinking and World Climate Game Project", which includes qualified educational materials, practitioners who care about the issue and innovative methods, is to raise awareness about global problems including climate change through environmental education and offer solutions.


From Bogazici University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, who is part of the project team, Dr. Instructor Member Gaye Ceyhan stated that their aim is to turn the issue of climate change into a training program with the tools of "System Thinking", and to share the project outputs with educators and to ensure the sustainability and dissemination of the program.

Reference Link:https://haberler.boun.edu.tr/tr/haber/sistem-dusuncesiyle-cevre-egitimi-ve-dunya-iklim-oyunu-projesi-basliyor