Guideline KS TUZVO no. 30 - Current anti-epidemiological measures for the academic year 2021/2022


The Crisis Staff of the Technical University in Zvolen approved the Guideline of KŠ TUZVO no. 30, which contains the current anti-epidemiological measures for the academic year 2021/2022 valid from 6 September 2021 until further notice.

On 6 September 2021, the Crisis Staff of the Technical University of Zvolen (hereinafter referred to as “KŠ TUZVO”) approved the current anti-epidemiological measures for the academic year (hereinafter referred to as “AR”) 2021/2022 in connection with the COVID-19 disease. These are based on the conditions set out in the current version of the COVID Vending Machine. The obligation to comply with them applies equally to TUZVO employees and students, as well as other persons taken into care (foreign students, visits, etc.).

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