The new European Bauhaus


Romania's Permanent Representation to the European Union, following the correspondence on the New Bauhaus interdisciplinary project, which aims to achieve the objectives of the Ecological Pact, by creating a European space for design and functional architecture, informs that the European Commission has announced the organization of several events information.

The respective online conferences will present the initiative and will detail the ways of submitting projects.

The Commission also stated that several European programs (LIFE, Horizon Europe) as well as structural funds (especially the European Regional Development Fund) will be mobilized in order to provide the necessary financial support for the implementation of the New Bauhaus.

The calendar of events mentioned above is as follows:

? February 2021 - session dedicated to scientific communities;

? February 2021 - session dedicated to the youth sector and universities;

? February 2021 - session launched for the cultural and creative sectors (architects, artists, designers);

February 26, 2021 - session dedicated to business representatives.