New photovoltaic systems planned Solar energy from the university roof


Climate protection in front of the office and seminar room - or rather above it: The UDE is planning to produce more green electricity on its roofs in the future. The first new photovoltaic systems are expected to supply energy as early as 2023. Some buildings are already equipped with the technology.

The R09S and V15R buildings on the Essen campus are initially being considered, as construction work is pending here anyway. Photovoltaic systems are also to be installed on the two new car parks in Essen and Duisburg - and there are also considerations for the Future Water Campus. In a second step, other building roofs could then follow, such as the canteen building, the LD and MD buildings on the Duisburg campus and the R11T building in Essen. They are particularly well suited, as a potential analysis by the Duisburg public utility company has shown. BA, BE, LC, LX, ST could also follow in Duisburg.