On October 5, the management of the University of Tartu and researchers met with the Board of Eesti Energia.
Eesti Energia presented its strategy and the challenges facing the energy industry. Representatives of both the university and Eesti Energia agreed that the cooperation so far has been a step in the right direction and could be intensified. The parties are interested in long-term cooperation with ambitious goals.
At the same time, the representatives of Eesti Energia mentioned four main subject areas in which researchers from the University of Tartu could participate through cooperation projects:
* development of useful, convenient and innovative energy solutions for the customer;
* making electricity and oil production sustainable through the potential of the circular economy and the chemical industry and the reduction of the environmental footprint;
* accelerating the development of green technologies and integrating them into the energy system of the future;
* Building the network of the future.
Representatives of Eesti Energia also expressed their readiness to contribute even more to the teaching of the University of Tartu.
The cooperation between the University of Tartu and Eesti Energia is focused on research and consultations, Eesti Energia also offers scholarships and internship opportunities to students and participates in the development of several curricula. Eesti Energia's business and information technology office is located in the Delta Center of the University of Tartu.
Additional information: Erik Puura , Vice-Rector for Development of the University of Tartu, erik.puura@ut.ee.
Kristel Reim , Head of the University of Tartu Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, 5342 4023, kristel.reim@ut.ee.
Reference Link:https://www.ut.ee/et/uudised/tartu-ulikool-eesti-energia-arutlesid-energeetikasektori-koostoovoimaluste-ule