Berlin universities: Winter semester planned in attendance

The Berlin universities are also planning to hold courses and teaching in attendance for the coming winter semester 2022/2023. The agreements in force for the current semester in the joint key issues paper of the State Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Berlin Universities (LKRP) and the Senate Department for Science, Health, Nursing and Equal Opportunities provide the necessary framework for this planning. The key issues paper, which takes into account nationwide requirements, is continuously reviewed and adjusted based on a regular assessment of the pandemic. The key issues paper still provides that classroom teaching can be supplemented by courses offered online if this is required for didactic reasons or the pandemic situation. The universities once again appeal to students, employees and guests to continue to voluntarily wear an FFP2 mask on campus when several people come together. In the summer semester, this precautionary measure helped to keep university operations largely in their usual form and was necessary in view of the expected worsening of the pandemic situation in autumn, it said.