3rd call for applications for myStartup Program- Sorbonne University


The University Innovation Center (PUI) of the Sorbonne University Alliance is launching a call for applications for the third edition of myStartup Program (September 2023/January 2024), the system intended to support entrepreneurship projects resulting from research.  
Apply until September 10, 2023 to myStartup Program
You wish :
Enhance your search results through the creation of your startup?
Boost your project and understand the challenges of entrepreneurship?
This program is intended for researchers, doctoral students, doctoral students, teacher-researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers or research or study engineers wishing to create a startup to boost their project by participating in this acceleration program.
Apply from May 9 to September 10, 2023 at myStartup Program .
myStartup Program offers:
12 group workshops on the different aspects of creating a startup.
Individual sessions (by project team) in the presence of mentors, experts from the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, to challenge and structure the supported projects.
Two promotions per year: from March to July, from September to January 

Reference Link: https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/actualites/3e-appel-candidatures-de-mystartup-program